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Too difficult to use decodeStream in browser

Bilge opened this issue · comments


I pack multiple datum into a single message. When I try to unpack with decode(), I get an error.

Uncaught RangeError: Extra 6 of 7 byte(s) found at buffer[1]

I understand that in order to decode a multi-part message I must instead use decodeStream(), however it seems this method is designed for Node users and is not very practical to use in the browser since streams support is scarce. In particular, I don't know how to convert number[]/Uint8Array to ReadableStreamLike.

I suggest there should be an alternative non-streams method to decode multi-part messages, such as decodeMultiple(), or just to permit calling decode() multiple times until all messages are processed, instead of assuming extra bytes are an error.

Thanks for filing this issue. It sounds like a good viewpoint for me. I'd like to add examples to explain how to use decodeStream() in browsers.


I managed to use it as follows.

        let unpacked = [];
        for await (const item of decodeStream(new ReadableStream({
            pull: controller => {
                controller.enqueue([...packed].map(s => s.charCodeAt(0)));
        }))) {

However, this seems highly convoluted and forces my entire decode branch to become an async call graph in what is otherwise a synchronous application. An alternative, synchronous API would be preferred. Recently, a similar feature was added to msgpackr.

As I explain in #153, converting a binary to StreamLike is very easy if you are familiar with AsyncGenerator. Just three lines of code:

declare var encoded: Uint8Array;

const createStream = async function* (): AsyncGenerator<Uint8Array> {
  yield encoded;

for await (const item of decodeStream(createStream())) {
  // do something with item

What do you think of it?




@Bilge ありがとう 😉

As you said, the exact type is ArrayLike<number>, as the reference describes.

The difference between decodeMulti() (even if it doesn't exist) vs decodeStream() is that decodeMulti() doesn't require async function, indicating it might be easier to use. However, I strongly recommend using the async version. Async versions can use CPU and memory in a more effective way than sync ones.

ArrayLike<number> does not feel completely suitable, Typescript is being really annoying for me when targeting browser. Code works otherwise.

Argument of type 'ReadableStream<BufferSource>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ReadableStreamLike<ArrayLike<number>>'.
  Type 'ReadableStream<BufferSource>' is not assignable to type 'ReadableStream<ArrayLike<number>>'.
    Type 'BufferSource' is not assignable to type 'ArrayLike<number>'.
      Property 'length' is missing in type 'ArrayBufferView' but required in type 'ArrayLike<number>'.ts(2345)

Example code:

async () => {
      const response = await fetch("items.msgpackgz");
      const gZipStream = new DecompressionStream("gzip");
      const dataSource = decodeArrayStream(
        response.body.pipeThrough(gZipStream) <--- DecompressionStream uses BufferSource, which doesn't work well with ArrayLike<number> 
      return dataSource;

Probably related: microsoft/TypeScript#24195


@gfx My only reason for mentioning it is that you might want to update the documentation in your PR with the "correct" type (ArrayLike<number>), just so it is clear to the reader.

Anyway, since modern browsers seem to have good support for async and generators, this is no longer a major issue. It may still be difficult to use an async call in a non-async application for some people, though, because the entire call graph has to be converted to async to accommodate it.

@prajaybasu Thank you for your report. I think it's irrelevant to this issue, so please file a separate issue. BTW I think it's actually insufficient for this library, so I'll fix it.

@Bilge That's a good point. Conversion of sync functions to async functions is sometimes difficult or spending unnecessary time. Let me think again about decodeMulti().

Added decodeMulti() to v2.4.0. Thanks.