mschuchard / linter-terraform-syntax

terraform validate linter and formatter for pulsar

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Linter reports error for comment on first line of document

cxhercules opened this issue · comments

Linter version 1.1.0

screen shot 2016-12-30 at 9 37 01 am

That message should be taken literally. It means somewhere in the directory that file is located, you have a file (including possibly that one) which is failing either terraform validate or terraform plan (depending upon your selection in the settings) for reasons unrelated to a syntax error. If you run validate or plan on the directory, the true error will be shown.

In the next version to be released, the linter will display the actual error message related to what is wrong in the directory the file is in. Unfortunately, Terraform does not display the file with the issue for non-syntax errors, so I cannot capture that in the linter.

Ah make sense so it is not pointing at the comment, but rather because I have not completed all my changes something is wrong still. THANK YOU!

Sure; I guess I should get the next release out a little sooner. I will try for the next week.