mschuchard / linter-jenkins

Jenkinsfile lint via declarative linter for pulsar

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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edobry opened this issue · comments

I've set up the package using the CURL method and supplied credentials, but I get no feedback whatsoever in regards to whether it is working, or unable to connect to the server. I've installed Linter, checked that the jenkins linter is detected and enabled, and tried enabling debug mode. Is this a bug or am I missing something? Thanks!

What command does debug mode output in your display?

Absolutely nothing; there is no visible difference after installing and configuring this package

Check for the Atom-Linter icons at the bottom of Atom. Use those to pull up the debug message. If you do not see those, double check the install of Atom-Linter and its associated packages, such as Linter-UI-Default.

Check for the Atom-Linter icons at the bottom of Atom. Use those to pull up the debug message. If you do not see those, double check the install of Atom-Linter and its associated packages, such as Linter-UI-Default.

I had the same issue, installing Linter-UI-Default worked. Thanks!

I'm having the same issue as above. I have the atom linter working for JSON, but I can't get anything to come up for jenkinsfile, even in debug mode, no messages at all.

same here. Switching on debug does provide the curl command. Tried the command from terminal. The content of the pipeline isn't escaped properly for the curl to work

No update in seven months; assuming fixed by installing dependencies as claimed by others. Closing.

I posted above under a different user. The fix was that the plugin works when the filename is Jenkinsfile, and I was expecting it to work for filenames with .groovy extension.