MSalamatov / mongoose

Mongoose is a storage performance testing tool

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  1. Overview
  2. Features
      2.1. Comparison With Similar Tools
        2.1.1. General
        2.1.2. Purpose
        2.1.3. Scalability
        2.1.4. Input
        2.1.5. Output
        2.1.6. Load Generation Patterns
        2.1.7. Storages Support
      2.2. Scalability
        2.2.1. Vertical
        2.2.2. Horizontal
      2.3. Customization
        2.3.1. Flexible Configuration
        2.3.2. Load Generation Patterns
        2.3.3. Scenarios
        2.3.4. Metrics Reporting
      2.4. Extension
        2.4.1. Load Steps
        2.4.2. Storage Drivers
       2.4.3. Scenario Engine
  3. Documentation
      3.1. Deployment
      3.2. Usage
      3.2. Troubleshooting
      3.3. Storage Drivers
        3.3.2. S3
        3.3.3. Atmos
        3.3.4. Swift
        3.3.5. FS
      3.4. Dependencies
      3.5. Interfaces
       3.5.1 Input
       3.5.2 Output
       3.5.3 Remote API Config API Runs API Logs API Metrics API
       3.5.4 Extentions Load Step Types Storage Drivers
      3.6. Design
        3.7.1. Architecture
        3.7.2. Distributed Mode
        3.7.3. Installer
        3.7.4. Recycle Mode
        3.7.5. Data Reentrancy
        3.7.6. Byte Range Operations
        3.7.7. Copy Mode
        3.7.8. Pipeline Load
        3.7.9. Weighted Load
      3.8. Contributing
      3.9. Changelog

1. Overview

Mongoose is a powerful storage performance testing tool.

It is designed to be used for:

2. Features

2.1. Comparison With Similar Tools

2.1.1. General

Mongoose COSBench LoadRunner Locust
License MIT License Apache 2.0 Proprietary MIT License
Open Source ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

2.1.2. Purpose

Mongoose COSBench LoadRunner Locust
Load testing ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Stress testing ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TBD
Endurance testing ✔️ TBD ✔️ TBD

2.1.3. Scalability

Mongoose COSBench LoadRunner Locust
Horizontal (Distributed Mode) ✔️ ✔️ TBD ✔️
Vertical (Max sustained concurrency per instance) 1_048_576 1024 TBD 1_000_000

2.1.4. Input

Mongoose COSBench LoadRunner Locust
GUI ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Parameterization ✔️ ✔️ TBD ✔️(need to extend the functionality)
Script language Any JSR-223 compatible XML ANSI C, Java, .Net, JS Python

2.1.5. Output

Mongoose COSBench LoadRunner Locust
Highest-resolution (per each op) metrics ✔️ TBD
Saturation concurrency measurement ✔️ TBD

2.1.6. Load Generation Patterns

Mongoose COSBench LoadRunner Locust
Weighted load ✔️ ✔️ TBD
Pipeline load ✔️ TBD
Recycle mode ✔️ TBD

2.1.7. Storages Support

  • Note: Locust and LoadRunner are not designed for the storage performance testing explicitly so they are excluded from the table below
Mongoose COSBench
Supported storages
  • Amazon S3
  • EMC Atmos
  • OpenStack Swift
  • Filesystem
  • HDFS
    • Amazon S3
    • Amplidata
    • OpenStack Swift
    • Scality
    • Ceph
    • Google Cloud Storage
    • Aliyun OSS
      Extensible to support custom storage API ✔️ ✔️

      2.2. Scalability

      2.2.1. Vertical

      Using fibers allows to sustain millions of concurrent operations easily without significant performance degradation.

      2.2.2. Horizontal

      The distributed mode in Mongoose was designed as P2P network. Each peer/node performs independently as much as possible. This eliminates the excess network interaction between the nodes which may be a bottleneck.

      2.3. Customization

      2.3.1. Flexible Configuration

      Supports the parameterization and extension but remains type-safe and structure-safe.

      2.3.2. Load Generation Patterns

      2.3.3. Scenarios

      Scenaruis allow to organize the load steps in the required order and reuse the complex performance tests

      The metrics reported by Mongoose are designed to be most useful for the performance analysis. The following metrics are available:

      • Counts

        • Items
        • Bytes transferred
        • Time
          • Effective
          • Elapsed
      • Rates

        • Items per second
        • Bytes per second
      • Timing distributions for:

        • Operation durations
        • Network latencies
      • Actual concurrency

        It's possible to limit the rate and measure the sustained actual concurrency

      The average metrics output is being done periodically while a load step is running. The summary metrics output is done once when a load step is finished. Also, it's possible to obtain the highest precision metrics (for each operation, so called I/O trace records).

      Mongoose is designed to be agnostic to the particular extensions implementations. This allows to support any storage, scenario language, different load step kinds.

      2.4.1. Load Steps

      A load step controls the load operations flow. Different load step implementations may do it in the different way. There are the available out-of-the-box:

      • Linear The most basic load step. All load operations have the same type.

      • Pipeline Executes a sequence of the different load operations for each item independently.

      • Weighted Executes the load operations of different types sustaining the specified ratio (weights).

      2.4.2. Storage Drivers

      The actual load is being executed by the storage drivers. Mongoose supports some storage types out-of-the-box:

      The following additional storage driver implementations are available:

      2.4.3. Scenario Engine

      Any Mongoose scenario may be written using any JSR-223 compliant scripting language. Javascript support is available out-of-the-box.


      Mongoose is a storage performance testing tool

      License:MIT License


      Language:Java 91.9%Language:JavaScript 2.7%Language:RobotFramework 2.1%Language:Python 1.1%Language:Scala 1.0%Language:Groovy 0.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%