DynEarthSol3D_energy : A numerical tool for tectonic modeling with thermomechanics
Basic Information:
DynEarthSol3D is a finite element code that solves the momentum balance and
the heat transfer in Lagrangian form using unstructured meshes. It can be
used to study the long-term deformation of Earth's lithosphere and problems
In this code i have added the full energy balance equation with mass
conservation. For anything about these implementations please feel free
to contact :
Sabber Ahamed
Senior Data Scientist
Bridgestone America
Nashville, TN, USA
You will need a recent C++ compiler that supports C++11 standard. (GNU g++
4.4 or newer version will suffice.)
You will need a recent version of Boost::Program_options library (1.42 or
newer version). Instructions for building the library:
-- Download the source code from www.boost.org
-- In the untarred source directory, run "./bootstrap.sh"
-- In the same directory, run "./b2 --with-program_options -q" to build
the library.
You will need Python 2.6+ or 3.2+ and the Numpy package.
For libadaptiviy, you further need
VTK (v.5.10 tested) built from source or development packages.
MPI (openmpi-1.6.1 tested).
Build procedure:
Run "LDFLAGS=-L${VTK_LIBDIR} ./configure" in libadaptivity
Run "make".
Run "make" in tests/. Depending on the flavor of MPI, one might need to add '-lmpi_f77' to LIBS in Makefile.
Edit 'Makefile',
1) modify BOOST_ROOT_DIR if you manually built or installed
boost library. If you followed the instructions above to build
Boost::Program_options library, set BOOST_ROOT_DIR to the untarred boost
2) turn on 'useadapt' to use libadaptivity.
3) Set 'ndims = 3'. libadaptivity works only for 3D.
4) Check if VTK_INC path is correct.
5) Copy LIBS in libadaptivity/tests/Makefile to LIBADAPTIVITY_LIBS.
6) Make sure that the path to libadaptivity.a is correctly set in the beginning of LIBADAPTIVITY_LIBS.
$(LIBADAPTIVITY_LIB)/libadaptivity.a will do.
Run "make opt=0" to build a debugging executable.
Run "make openmp=0" to build the executable without OpenMP. This is
necessary to debug the code under valgrind.
How to run
Execute "dynearthsol2d inputfile".
Several example input files are provided under 'examples/' directory. The
format of the input file is described in 'examples/defaults.cfg'.
Benchmark cases with analytical solution can be found under 'benchmarks/'
Execute the executable with '-h' flag to see the available input parameters
and their descriptions.
How to plot
Run "2vtk.py modelname" to convert the binary output to VTK files.
Execute 2vtk.py with '-h' flag to see more usage information.
Some of the simulation outputs might be disabled. Edit 2vtk.py and
output.cxx to disable/enable them.
Plot the VTK files with Paraview or LLNL's Visit program.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the MIT / X Windows System license (see the
file LICENSE for the full text).
The files under the subdirectories 3x3-C/, ann/, tetgen/, and
triangles/ are distributed by their own license(s).