mrvux / dx11-vvvv

DirectX11 Rendering within vvvv

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SetWindowBounds (Windows) doesn't work with DX11 Renderer

antokhio opened this issue · comments

SetWindowBounds (Windows) doesn't work with DX11 Renderer
to test replace renderer in a help patch

for (int i = 0; i < SpreadMax; i++) { if (FIn[i] != null) { FOut[i] = (int) FIn[i].Window.Handle; } }
where FIn is
[Input("Input")] IDiffSpread<INode> FIn;

to get real handle


Yes renderer output it's control, not the top window, so need to get the window via node interface.

Main thing is that even with node fully hidden, behaviour is preserved, which is not the case with windows as it might get destoyed