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Performance issue in String#codepoints

jabamaus opened this issue · comments


I've written an app that runs with mruby or cruby and I noticed that the frame rate was massively degraded when running with mruby. After investigation I narrowed it down to calls to String#codepoints which where happening multiple times per frame. Of course I can, and probably will improve my code to use a cache or eliminate it entirely but I think the method itself can be hugely optimized, after all the way its currently written works fine in cruby.

The implementation in is:

self.split('').map{|x| x.ord}
I think this is made worse by the fact that the onig_regexp gem replaces String#split with its own version which probably adds a further performance penalty.

Presumably the GC is getting hammered. I guess doing it in C would be the best?

I'm not desperate for this but I thought I'd flag it.


Are you passing a block ? Maybe it is more efficient to use yield instead.
And I think split could be avoided with each_char.
It is a shot in the dark though.

def codepoints
  if block_given?
    each_char { |c| yield(c.ord) }
  else { |c| c.ord }

We implemented part of codepoints in C. Now it's even faster than CRuby (in cases we tested).