mrspartak / hasura-om

👺 Fragment based orm request generator for Hasura with built in auto-table lookup and base fragment builder

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Hasura ORM library


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This library provides an object way to interact with Hasura from backend. Main focus is on fragments, queries are autogenerated. Base fragments (base - all table fields/pk - primary keys) are autogenerated, then you can extend them or create new.


npm i hasura-om


We have a microservice infrastructure and need cross-service transactions. One way to do it is to send a graphql query + variables to one service and perform a query there. So this library helps to send more standardized data via JS Objects. If you know a better way to solve this problem, you are welcome to issues or email.


Current guide is here


  • Fragment extending (v0.0.7)
  • Subscriptions (v0.0.10)
  • Aggregate queries (v0.0.12)
  • Nested queries (v0.0.15)
  • Hasura class extend EventEmitter (v0.0.18)
  • Docs (v0.0.19)
  • Browser bundle (v1.2.0) with bundler only
  • Jwt authorization support (v1.2.0)
  • Cache interface
  • Refactor query builder code
  • Support directives
  • Support new Hasura event scheduler
  • Tune performance

Simple example

const { Hasura } = require('hasura-om')

const om = new Hasura({
    graphqlUrl: 'your hasura endpoint',
    adminSecret: 'your hasura admin secret'
    this command loads data from Hasura about tables/fields/keys 
    to build base table fragments for simple queries
    So the fragments are:
            All table fields
            Only primary keys
await om.generateTablesFromAPI()

let [err, result] = await om.query({
    user: {
        where: {
            is_live: {
                _eq: true
        limit: 10,
        order_by: {
            rating: 'desc'
    pets: {
        select: {
            where: {
                type: {
                    _eq: 'dog'
            fields: `
        aggregate: {
            count: {},
            avg: ['age']

result = {
    user: [
    pets: {
        select: [
        aggregate: {
            count: 23,
            avg: {
                age: 3.5

let [err, result] = await om.mutate({
    user: {
        update: {
            where: {
                _eq: {
                    id: 666
            _inc: {
                money: 100
    wallet: {
        insert: {
            objects: {
                user_id: 666,
                type: 'deposit',
                amount: 100
            fragment: 'pk'

result = {
    user: {
        update: [
                id: 666,
                money: 100
    wallet: {
        insert: [
                id: 1002

let unsub = om.subscribe({
    user: {
        where: {
            is_live: {
                _eq: true
        limit: 10,
        order_by: {
            rating: 'desc'
    pets: {
        where: {
            type: {
                _eq: 'dog'
        fields: `
}, ([err, data]) => {
    //so data will come in the same format as the query


The only control you have is fragments. So this library provides base fragments with all table fields without relations. Of course you need them, so you have many ways to do so.

//here is an example of simple query
var [err, response] = await orm.query({
    user: {}

//So here some examples with fields key
var [err, response] = await orm.query({
    user: {
        fields: `
            posts {
        fields: [
                key: 'posts',
                values: [

        fields: {
            name: null,
            posts: {
                children: {
                    title: null

//or we can create new Fragment
let newFragment = new Fragment({
    name: 'some_unique_name',
    table: 'user',
    fields: `
        posts {
    `//any from abobe
var [err, response] = await orm.query({
    user: {
        fragment: newFragment

//or even better, we can extend user fragments and use it anytime
orm.table('user').createFragment('some_unique_name', `
    posts {
var [err, response] = await orm.query({
    user: {
        fragment: 'some_unique_name'

//of course we can use other fragments to create new one
let baseUserFragment = orm.table('user').fragment('base')
let basePostFragment = orm.table('post').fragment('base')

orm.table('user').createFragment('some_unique_name', [
        key: 'posts',
        values: [

Nested fields arguments

This is really hard to implement and I hope current implementation works fine. I will investigate it later, when I will have troubles or get any issues.

const fragment2 = new Fragment({
    table: 'test',
    name: 'with_nested_args',
    fields: [
                _table: 'images',
                limit: 'logo_limit',
                offset: 'logo_offset',
                where: 'logo_where',
                order_by: 'logo_order_by',
                distinct_on: 'logo_distinct_on',

This will generate such fragment

Fragment with_nested_args_fragment_test on test {
    logo (limit: $logo_limit, ...) {

await orm.query({
    test: {
        fragment: 'with_nested_args',
        variables: {
            'logo_limit': 1


FOSSA Status


👺 Fragment based orm request generator for Hasura with built in auto-table lookup and base fragment builder

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 99.3%Language:Shell 0.7%