mrousavy / vision-camera-image-labeler

VisionCamera Frame Processor Plugin to label images using MLKit Vision

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Implementing Custom model?

cmd08010 opened this issue · comments

HI - I've been trying to work on implementing a custom model using this plugin - but having some issues and maybe you could assist?

Using this-

I created a custom model with

I trying parsing together the implementation with the custom models/ios - but having issues.

Appreciate the plugin and would love some insight into adding the custom models!


This plugin is really just 30 lines of code at max, one for iOS and one for Android. I think to use custom models it'd be better to create those FP Plugins in your app instead directly.

OK thanks! Will do that

Actually had an easy time adding a few lines of code to this plugin to implement the custom model.

By following this model tutorial-
and utilizing my own data for the model.
Then I just input the name of the tflite file in the pathforresource and its ready to go!

Thank you for your plugin - it was a great working example that allowed me to add the custom components!

#import <VisionCamera/FrameProcessorPlugin.h>
#import <VisionCamera/Frame.h>
#import <MLKit.h>

// Example for an Objective-C Frame Processor plugin

@interface ImageLabelerPlugin : NSObject

+ (MLKImageLabeler*) labeler;


@implementation ImageLabelerPlugin

+ (MLKImageLabeler*) labeler {
  static MLKImageLabeler* labeler = nil;

  if (labeler == nil) {
  NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"model" ofType:@"tflite"];
    NSLog(@"PATH:", path);
    MLKLocalModel *localModel =
      [[MLKLocalModel alloc] initWithPath:path];

  MLKCustomImageLabelerOptions *options =
      [[MLKCustomImageLabelerOptions alloc] initWithLocalModel:localModel];
   NSLog(@"OPTIONS", options);
  options.confidenceThreshold = @(0.0);
  labeler =
      [MLKImageLabeler imageLabelerWithOptions:options];

    labeler = [MLKImageLabeler imageLabelerWithOptions:options];

  return labeler;

static inline id labelImage(Frame* frame, NSArray* arguments) {

  MLKVisionImage *image = [[MLKVisionImage alloc] initWithBuffer:frame.buffer];
  NSLog(@"VISION CAMERA IMAGE LABELER: Testing this out:, %@", image);
  image.orientation = frame.orientation; // <-- TODO: is mirrored?

  NSError* error = nil;
 NSArray<MLKImageLabel*>* labels = [[ImageLabelerPlugin labeler] resultsInImage:image error:&error];

    NSLog(@"Error finding Labels: %@", error);
  } else {
    NSLog(@"No Error: %@", error);

  NSMutableArray* results = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:labels.count];
  for (MLKImageLabel* label in labels) {
    [results addObject:@{
      @"label": label.text,
      @"confidence": [NSNumber numberWithFloat:label.confidence]

  return results;



Awesome, glad you're appreciating my projects :)