mrjosh / helm-ls

⎈ Language server for Helm ⎈

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helm-ls newer than v0.0.9, and nvim-lspconfig throws unimplemented panic.

madelaney opened this issue · comments

When using nvim (v0.9.5), and nvim-lspconfig (e25c4cd), and helm-ls (v0.0.14; really anything newer then v0.0.10), when I start the LSP server, I get the following error messages:

[START][2024-04-10 09:12:15] LSP logging initiated
[ERROR][2024-04-10 09:12:15] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734	"rpc"	"/Users/mdelaney/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/helm_ls"	"stderr"	'{"level":"info","msg":"helm-lint-langserver: connections opened","time":"2024-04-10T09:12:15-04:00"}\n'
[ERROR][2024-04-10 09:12:15] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734	"rpc"	"/Users/mdelaney/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/helm_ls"	"stderr"	'{"level":"info","msg":"Workspace configuration: {{true yaml-language-server 50 false {map[kubernetes:templates/**] true true {true}}} {values.yaml values.lint.yaml values*.yaml} info}","time":"2024-04-10T09:12:15-04:00"}\n'
[ERROR][2024-04-10 09:12:15] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734	"rpc"	"/Users/mdelaney/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/helm_ls"	"stderr"	'{"level":"info","msg":"helm lint: result for file file:///Users/mdelaney/work/<workspace>/stackgres-cluster/templates/sgcluster.yaml : []","time":"2024-04-10T09:12:15-04:00"}\n'
[ERROR][2024-04-10 09:12:15] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734	"rpc"	"/Users/mdelaney/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/helm_ls"	"stderr"	"panic: unimplemented\n\ngoroutine 14 [running]:\*langHandler).Request(0x1400044a01a?, {0x140000bd830?, 0x1060346e8?}"
[ERROR][2024-04-10 09:12:15] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734	"rpc"	"/Users/mdelaney/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/helm_ls"	"stderr"	", {0x105d95700?, 0x14000286010?}, {0x10df8ef98?, 0x140004d5cb0?})\n\ +0x2c\{0x106022548, 0x140000bd830}, 0x1400057c000, {0x10df8ef98, 0x140004d5cb0})\n\ +0x124\{0x106022548, 0x140000bd830}, 0x140000c6798, {0x10df8ef98?, 0x140004d5cb0?})\n\ +0xdc\\n\ +0x78\ncreated by in goroutine 10\n\ +0x194\n"

I do have a values.yaml file, but I don't have any values.lint.yaml or additional values*.yaml files.

I figured this is part of v0.0.10, specifically the commit 46c5f65.

If I downgrade to v0.0.9 (via 'MasonInstall helm-ls@v0.0.9'), then everything works just fine.

Hi, thanks for reporting. I don't know why your client calls the Request method and mine did not, but the lsp should not panic anyway. I will release a fix asap.

The log you posted does not match v0.0.10, are you sure that this version also has the same bug?

The log you posted does not match v0.0.10, are you sure that this version also has the same bug?

It's possible that it was v0.0.14, not v0.0.10; my apologies, I was jumping around versions and I could have grabbed the wrong lines.

To close the loop on this.

I installed v0.0.15 via Mason, and the issue has gone away.