mrjosh / helm-ls

⎈ Language server for Helm ⎈

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Helm ls is switching working directory

TrayserCassa opened this issue · comments


first of all, thank you for the lang server, this is really helpful if you start on a new helm Project.


Setting the root_dir of the lang server to util.find_git_ancestor as in the yamlls to prevent switching of the working directory.


As my helm chart is a part of the operator and will be generated by a makefile it's kind of getting annoying that the working directory is changing if I check the output of the templates.


I searched in the code and also some other references and found out the some lang server let's you overwrite this. Is this also doable for helm-ls? Or have I overseen something?

Hi, this is configured in the nvim-lspconfig repo:

But you should be able to easily overwrite it in your nvim config with something like this:

-- setup helm-ls
lspconfig.helm_ls.setup {
  root_dir = util.find_git_ancestor,
  settings = {
    ['helm-ls'] = {
      yamlls = {
        path = "yaml-language-server",