mrichar1 / jsonapi-vuex

Use a JSONAPI api with a Vuex store, with data restructuring/normalization.

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How to handle error response ?

afifnandya opened this issue · comments

in the json api example

HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json

  "errors": [
      "status": "422",
      "source": { "pointer": "/data/attributes/firstName" },
      "title":  "Invalid Attribute",
      "detail": "First name must contain at least three characters."

i don't see how to handle error in the documentaion, thanks

The library makes no attempt to intercept API errors, so they will be raised 'directly' from axiosYou can use the then/catch mechanism to handle them. the axios error handling docs are here:

For jsonapi-vuex, it would look something like:

  .dispatch('jv/get', '/nosuchendpoint')
  .then((res) => {
    // request is successful - res = normalised jsonapi
  .catch((errs) => {
  // request fails
  if (errs.response) {
    // Work with each error from the 'errors' array
    for (let err of {
  } else {
    // Handle non-request errors

I'll see about updating the docs to explain how errors are handled.

ok if that so, thanks for replying