mriale / PyDPainter

A usable pixel art paint program written in Python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add basic animation support

mriale opened this issue · comments

Add basic support for animation:

  • Setting number of frames
  • Moving from frame to frame
  • Playback
  • Loading IFF ANIM
  • Saving IFF ANIM

Need to make palette into an object so it can be easily be used in animation frames. Currently the palette is stored globally in several variables:

  • config.pal - current palette used almost everywhere. This is color skewed to make sure each palette entry is unique and color cycled colors don't get collapsed into the same color.
  • config.backuppal - palette storage during color cycling
  • config.truepal - true color palette (not color skewed)
  • config.loadpal - palette that was loaded from a file

Rather than store the palette with every frame, ranges of frames need to reference keyframe palettes. DPaint V implements this but the GUI for it is not very usable.

I want to add an animation toolbar on the bottom of the screen with VCR controls and a slider:

|< << > >> >| ----------- + - P

To the right of the slider:

  • Add frame
  • Remove frame
  • Palette key frame indicator

Added image but no code yet.


Good luck!