mriale / PyDPainter

A usable pixel art paint program written in Python

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How to crop an image?

jnikula opened this issue · comments

This is pretty nostalgic! :)

I'm wondering how to crop an image. Picture | Page Size... lets me set the page size, but that keeps the portion from top left, and I'd want to choose a different part of the image to keep.

I don't seem to be able to do a round trip via ilbmtoppm -> crop ppm -> ppmtoilbm either, because those tools modify the order of the colors in the color map, and I need to preserve them. :(

Could you grab the part of the image you want as a brush? Then you could clear the screen and stamp it down again.
Alternatively you could save the brush and load it in again as picture.
Does either of those things work for you?

Thanks, that worked! It's just been like, uh, 30 years since I last used Deluxe Paint, so I'm a little rusty. :)