mriale / PyDPainter

A usable pixel art paint program written in Python

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Fill pattern selector

mriale opened this issue · comments

In the Fill Type requestor, create a picker for different preset fill patterns. Also allow the user to add to the selection.

These patterns would be monochrome with the background and foreground colors pulling from the current palette colors.

do you need the individual patterns as brush files? Any size, 2 colors like I did?

@Sleuthgame I can split them up. I'm not sure exactly how I want to store them, but it would make sense to save them as individual brushes since they are different sizes.

Also, here are the MacPaint 8x8 fill patterns:

OK. If you dont mind, I'll do that later, after documentation, anim tutorials and demo.
Except if you tell me you're "filling" sick of animation and want some fun with patterns. I can understand your "motif". :-D

Ideas for future reference:
DPaint js
Monochrome Patterns
Ordered Dithering (Bayer, 4x4)
Tricolor 2

As I said in another ticket. If we do that functionality, it will make sense to have Color, Matte and Cycle Mode compatibility.
Those pattern are monochromatic. Whats happens if I need a fill in another color ?
Fill an rectangle with it, define a new brush, change color, Color mode, stamp it, define a new brush, use it as fill pattern... what a pain !