mrholek / CoreUI-NET

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ReactJS .Net CORE

fhlee74 opened this issue · comments

Can we have a similar repo for ReactJS for .Net Core please? Will be great for dummies like myself.

hi @fhlee74

CoreUI is a standard CRA React app. Therefore basic setup of CoreUI for .NET Core 2.1 using .Net Core 2.1 React project template should be straightforward.

1. Prerequisites:

  • .NET Core 2.1.2 with SDK 2.1.302 installed - SDK Installer
  • Node.js, version 8.11 or later
  • code editor of your choice (if you prefer Visual Studio you need to use version 2017 15.7.x or newer)

2. Create a new app

  • in an empty directory create a new project from a command prompt dotnet new react
  • remove sample application directory rd ClientApp /S /Q
  • clone CoreUI repo: git clone CoreUI
  • edit react.csproj and modify <SpaRoot>ClientApp\</SpaRoot> to <SpaRoot>CoreUI\</SpaRoot>
  • edit startup.cs and modify:
    configuration.RootPath = "ClientApp/build"; to configuration.RootPath = "CoreUI/build";
    and spa.Options.SourcePath = "ClientApp"; to spa.Options.SourcePath = "CoreUI";

3. Build and run

  • from Visual Studio open the .csproj file, and run the app (the build process restores npm dependencies on the first run)
  • or from .NET Core CLI
    • Run dotnet build
    • Run dotnet run to start the app

See also:

@xidedix with that type of setup for the startup.cs SourcePath and RootPath, I'm randomly getting the following error on my dev server: "Exception":"System.InvalidOperationException: The SPA default page middleware could not return the default page '/index.html' because it was not found, and no other middleware handled the request.\nYour application is running in Production mode, so make sure it has been published, or that you have built your SPA manually. Alternatively you may wish to switch to the Development environment.

Any ideas? Everything I am finding is saying it's because the RootPath and SourcePath can't find the page, but most of the time it works.