mrcrowl / vuex-typex

Typescript builder for strongly-typed access to Vuex Store modules

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Support request: usage with Nuxt

pkej opened this issue · comments

From your documentation it seems this is a pattern, and as such I can't find any export I can use in a plugins context in nuxt.config.js, and since I'm just starting out With TypeScript I have no clue, except looking at code from different repositories, and Learning TypeScriptl

I hope you can advise on how to use it with Nuxt.

The same here. Since I don't think that it is reasonable to use typescript without 100% type safety.
And I can clear see that vuex does not support typing out-of-the box.

Here's an example to demonstrate my point:

// store/index.ts

export const actions = {
  logoAction({ commit }, name: string) {
    commit('SET_LOGO', name)

export const mutations = {
  SET_LOGO(state: State, data: string) {
    state.logo = data

// pages/SomeComponent.vue

import Vue from 'vue'
import Logo from '~/components/Logo.vue'
import Component from 'nuxt-class-component'
import { Getter, Action } from 'vuex-class'

  components: {
export default class extends Vue {
  @Getter('logo/logo') logo
  @Action('logo/logoAction') logoAction

  created () {
    this.logoAction(12) // no error here!!!

@pkej have you found any solution?

Sorry folks, I have no experience with nuxt, so can't comment here.

One option is to try and take this up with the author of vuex-type-safety. This guy forked from vuex-typex some time ago and may have an idea of how nuxt integrations could work.