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A Comprehensive Summary of Three Years of Research Contributions in Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Beyond (2019-2022)

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A Comprehensive Summary of Three Years of Research Contributions in Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Beyond (2019-2022)

We have made contributions in the fields of computer vision, pattern recognition, machine learning, artificial intelligence, computation and language, cryptography and security, and software engineering. Our works have focused on various topics such as rapid object detection, sub-typing, text augmentation, image compression, super resolution, and adversarial risk to machine learning models. Our research has also included automating defense against adversarial attacks and discovering model characteristics through strategic probing. Additionally, we have applied our expertise to the gaming world by developing generative language models for chess and go gameplay. Our papers have been published in various formats and conferences, including SPIE, AI4I, NIAI, ICAIT, and NFCS. This is what we did.

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computation and Language, Image and Video Processing, Cryptography and Security, Software Engineering, Adversarial Risk, Adversarial Attacks, Neglected Languages, Generative Language Models, Game Play, Strategic Probing, White Box Model Characteristics

The following work represents a team's efforts on various research questions. I will mention the other authors here and recognize their efforts: David Noever, Josh Kalin, Dominick Hambrick, Willie Maddox, Grant Rosario and Wes Regian. Thank you all for your intellectual conversations and commentary over the years on these papers and on the Machine Learning industry as a whole. The following paper represents a subset of our efforts over the past three years to the following subjects

Subject Subject Count
Machine Learning (cs.LG) 10
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) 7
Computation and Language (cs.CL) 5
Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) 4
Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) 2
Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) 2
Software Engineering (cs.SE) 1
Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) 1

The Papers

A summary of all the papers can be viewed in the Research Overview file. Individual papers are also in this repository and are listed in chronological order below as seen on arXiv.

Paper Year Month Authors File
Soft Labels for Rapid Satellite Object Detection 22 12 Matthew Ciolino, Grant Rosario, David Noever pdf
Soft-labeling Strategies for Rapid Sub-Typing 22 09 Grant Rosario, David Noever, Matt Ciolino pdf
The Turing Deception 22 12 David Noever, Matt Ciolino pdf
Back Translation Survey for Improving Text Augmentation 21 02 Matthew Ciolino, David Noever, Josh Kalin pdf
Image Compression and Actionable Intelligence With Deep Neural Networks 22 03 Matthew Ciolino pdf
Enhancing Satellite Imagery using Deep Learning for the Sensor To Shooter Timeline 22 03 Matthew Ciolino, Dominick Hambrick, David Noever pdf
Color Teams for Machine Learning Development 21 10 Josh Kalin, David Noever, Matthew Ciolino pdf
A Modified Drake Equation for Assessing Adversarial Risk to Machine Learning Models 21 03 Josh Kalin, David Noever, Matthew Ciolino pdf
Fortify Machine Learning Production Systems: Detect and Classify Adversarial Attacks 21 02 Matthew Ciolino, Josh Kalin, David Noever pdf
Automating Defense Against Adversarial Attacks: Discovery of Vulnerabilities and Application of Multi-INT Imagery to Protect Deployed Models 21 03 Josh Kalin, David Noever, Matthew Ciolino, Dominick Hambrick, Gerry Dozier pdf
Local Translation Services for Neglected Languages 21 01 David Noever, Josh Kalin, Matt Ciolino, Dom Hambrick, Gerry Dozier pdf
The Chess Transformer: Mastering Play using Generative Language Models 20 08 David Noever, Matt Ciolino, Josh Kalin pdf
The Go Transformer: Natural Language Modeling for Game Play 20 07 Matthew Ciolino, David Noever, Josh Kalin pdf
Black Box to White Box: Discover Model Characteristics Based on Strategic Probing 20 09 Josh Kalin, Matthew Ciolino, David Noever, Gerry Dozier pdf
Training Set Effect on Super Resolution for Automated Target Recognition 19 11 Matthew Ciolino, David Noever, Josh Kalin pdf
Discoverability in Satellite Imagery: A Good Sentence is Worth a Thousand Pictures 20 01 David Noever, Wes Regian, Matt Ciolino, Josh Kalin, Dom Hambrick, Kaye Blankenship pdf