mrchaarlie / Curio-X

UWaterloo SYDE FYDP: Charlie W, Jon J, Rob B, Ken C

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is Curio.

University of Waterloo Systems Design Engineering, 4th year Design Project

Project Members: Charles Wu, Jonathan Johnston, Robert Bon, Kenneth Chan

Project Supervisor: Professor Edith Law

Developing a generalized and gamified crowd-sourcing platform for collecting scientific research data from images.

Creating a virtualenv and installing Django

In order to run the project, you'll need to install Django using the python package installer pip (the easiest way). The most simple way to do this without installing packages in your root is to create a virtual environment with virtualenv, activate it, and install the packages you require.

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 curiox
source curiox/bin/activate

pip install django==1.7.2
pip install simplejson

Running the development server

We're using Django as our web framework, so when doing development you can run Django in development mode. You will need to be running a current version of Python 3.x:

python runserver

Go to where the dev server is hosted:


You will need to generate a username and password by using the generateusers command.

Running production

Currently, we have:

  • Run a model migration to initialize the database
python makemigrations game
python sqlmigrate game <number> #optional
python migrate
  • Load default username bases (adjectives and animals; ex. CuriousBear) to the database
  • Load password bases (random selection of 2K or 11K words)
python loadwords --adjectives static/lists/adjectivelist.csv --animals static/lists/animallist.csv
python loadwords --words static/lists/shortwordlist.csv
  • Generate some users for testing
python generateusers --random --number=1
  • Load image URLs and their metadata into the database
python loadimages --images=static/lists/fewobj_images.csv
python loadimages --images=static/lists/manyobj_images.csv
  • Backing up and restoring SQLite database
sudo apt-get install sqlite3
sqlite3 db.sqlite3 ".backup db.backup" # create a backup
s3cmd --configure #configure to your S3 bucket
s3cmd put db.backup s3://curiox/backups/db.backup.<month>.<day> #follow some convention
  • User logs can be pulled from the database, formatted, and stored into a CSV file for further analysis
python pulldata --logs=user.log
  • As well, user results on the images can be pulled from the database into a CSV file
python pulldata --clasresults=results.csv


Code-level logging outputs to 'log' in the base directory. Logging options are specified in the file. To log in a python file, do the following:

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger()

logger.debug('I can see this debug message in the log file')

Configuring Apache for Production

Install Apache, and required packages check the version number (2.4.x) and enable the VirtualHost by creating a new site 'curiox'. Make sure to make the git clone in the /var/www/curiox directory, with the virtualenv 'env' in the same directory. Don't attach to the env, but run it like 'env/bin/python'.

sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install python3-dev
sudo apt-get install apache2-dev
sudo apt-get install python3.4

sudo cp curiox.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/

Another server might be listening on the port 80, so you can either change the port in /etc/apache2/ports.conf, or

sudo netstat -ltnp | grep :80
kill <pid>

Enable the site and start Apache and check out the default Apache page at 'localhost'

sudo a2ensite curiox
sudo a2dissite 000-default
sudo service apache2 restart

Now, to host Python applications with Apache, we will need a module that runs with Apache called mod_wsgi, so let's install that

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi  #might not be needed

Now, download and build the source for mod_wsgi for python 3.4 at

# Source:
# Instructions:

And follow the instructions on this site

Change the logging settings in curiox.settings to point to /var/log/curiox.log, and do

chmod a+w /var/log/curiox.log
chown www-data /var/log/curiox.log

And make sure the directory curiox (with the database) is owned by apache

cd /var/www/curiox
chown www-data /var/www/curiox


UWaterloo SYDE FYDP: Charlie W, Jon J, Rob B, Ken C


Language:JavaScript 52.7%Language:CSS 32.8%Language:Python 5.7%Language:HTML 4.7%Language:R 4.0%