mramshaw / Scala-Linters

Linters for Scala

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Scala Linters

Some notes on installing a formatter and code linters for Scala.

[The following are in alphabetical order.]

  1. scalafix
  2. scalafmt
  3. scalastyle
  4. wartremover

[I had good success with scalastyle and wartremover but could not get scalafix to work.]


Instructions copied from:


Add the following to project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("ch.epfl.scala" % "sbt-scalafix" % "0.5.10")

Add the following to build.sbt:

// These settings must appear after scalacOptions and libraryDependencies.
scalafixConfigure(Compile, Test, IntegrationTest)

Verify Setup

To verify the installation, check that scalacOptions and libraryDependencies contain the values below.

[Note that these commands must be typed INSIDE sbt.]

> show scalacOptions
[info] * -Yrangepos                   // required
[info] * -Xplugin-require:semanticdb  // recommended
[info] * -P:semanticdb:sourceroot:/x  // recommended
> show libraryDependencies
[info] * org.scalameta:semanticdb-scalac:2.1.7:plugin->default(compile)


Just use sbt normally, the run command will trigger scalafix if everything compiles.


[This is a formatter rather than a linter, but still useful.]

Instructions copied from:


Add the following to project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.geirsson" % "sbt-scalafmt" % "1.4.0")


Creating a configuration file is optional (the defaults seem fine).

At the command line:

$ sbt scalafmt

Once it completes it will report on the number of files reformatted:

[info] Reformatted 3 Scala sources
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed 20-Mar-2018 5:37:27 PM


Instructions copied from:


Add the following to project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("org.scalastyle" %% "scalastyle-sbt-plugin" % "1.0.0")


You will need a configuration file. The easiest way to get one is to use the scalastyleGenerateConfig command (at the command line, NOT inside sbt):

$ sbt scalastyleGenerateConfig

This will create a scalastyle-config.xml in the current directory, with the default settings.

Then you can check your code with the scalastyle command.

At the command line:

$ sbt scalastyle

Or inside sbt:

> scalastyle

This produces a list of errors - broken down by source file - on the console, as well as an XML result file target/scalastyle-result.xml (CheckStyle compatible format).

Some of the warnings may not serve a purpose in a development environment, in which case they can easily be set to false.


Instructions copied from:


Add the following to project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("org.wartremover" % "sbt-wartremover" % "2.2.1")

Add the following to build.sbt (at the end seems to work):

wartremoverErrors ++= Warts.unsafe


Just use sbt normally, the run command will trigger wartremover if everything compiles.


All versions current as of March, 2018.

To Do

  • Add a formatter
  • Investigate why scalastyle generates stack traces