mplodowski / dynamicpdf-plugin

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Undefined index: DOMPDF_FONT_CACHE

MajorasJack opened this issue · comments

Getting the below error message randomly when attempting to run any basic laravel commands:

[2018-05-10 12:43:58] dev.ERROR: ErrorException: Undefined index: DOMPDF_FONT_CACHE in /Users/jack/Work/sites/psg/plugins/renatio/dynamicpdf/classes/ServiceProvider.php:33

Tried looking around and found issue #1260 but none of the resolutions/fixes mentioned there seem to fix the issue that I'm having.

Already tried:
Deleting vendor folder & running composer update
Deleting /storage/fonts directory content
composer dump-autoload
composer dump-autoload -o

Changed all references of DOMPDF_FONT_CACHE to font_cache which appears to have fixed the issue, but don't think it's ideal.

This should be already fixed: 764bb7f

Try to run composer update inside plugin folder and after that inside project folder.

I've tried to run composer update inside the plugin folder and I'm just getting this:
Composer could not find a composer.json file in plugins/renatio/dynamicpdf
Making the change manually to the relevant file in 764bb7f still doesn't appear to fix the issue either.

It looks like you have old version of dompdf library.

Check your version with: composer show dompdf/dompdf

October removes composer.json file from plugin, when it is installed using October gateway. You can always grab and copy composer.json file from this repository.

Also check if this happens for October and plugin fresh installation.