mph- / lcapy

Lcapy is a Python package for symbolic linear circuit analysis and signal processing. It uses SymPy for symbolic mathematics.

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state space ss.X representation is not working as mentioned in doc

floke9 opened this issue · comments

From the doc

After creating the circuit:

from lcapy import Circuit
a = Circuit("""
V 1 0 {v(t)}; down
R1 1 2; right
L 2 3; right=1.5, i=i_L
R2 3 0_3; down=1.5, i=i_{R2}, v=v_{R2}
W 0 0_3; right
W 3 3_a; right
C 3_a 0_4; down, i=i_C, v=v_C
W 0_3 0_4; right""")

ss =

printing of time domain representation is working fine:

Matrix([[i_L(t)], [v_C(t)]])

but for laplace domain representation:


it gives an Atribute error:

File c:\python\lib\site-packages\lcapy\, in StateSpace.X(self)
67 @Property
68 def X(self):
69 """Laplace transform of state-variable vector."""
---> 70 return LaplaceDomainMatrix(self.x.laplace())

AttributeError: 'Vector' object has no attribute 'laplace'

used version:

Python: 3.9.6 (tags/v3.9.6:db3ff76, Jun 28 2021, 15:26:21) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
SymPy: 1.10.1
NumPy: 1.22.4
Matplotlib: 3.5.2
SciPy: 1.8.1
Lcapy: 1.5


That bug snuck under the unit tests. Thanks for letting me know. The patch I've pushed should fix this.