mpetroff / pannellum

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replace `equirectangular` to `multiRes` in tours

aliMurtaja opened this issue · comments

Hello Matthew Petroff

I want to replace equirectangular to multiRes.

here's my current code which is working with equirectangular::

let scenes = getListOfExperienceScenes(virtualTourExperience.tourImages); // will load the scenes

setviewer(window.pannellum.viewer(panoramaRef.current, {
    "draggable": true,
    "disableKeyboardCtrl": true,
    "type": "equirectangular",
    "autoLoad": true, 
    "firstScene": virtualTourExperience.tourImages[0].experienceID, // same as first element of `scenes`
    "showControls": false,
    "compass": true,
    "orientationOnByDefault": true,
    "scenes": scenes,
    "sceneFadeDuration": 2000

const getListOfExperienceScenes= (experiencs)=>{

    let dummy = [];
    let mainObje= {};

    dummy= => {

    let obje= { 
        [String(element.experienceID)]: {
                "title": element.roomName,
                "type": "equirectangular",
                "panorama": THREE_SIXY_IMG_SHOW_BASE_URL+element.fileUrl, // 360 img -->
                "hotSpots": []  // --> here hotSpot will be added dynamically
        return obje;
    dummy.forEach(element => {
        let abc = element;
        mainObje= {...mainObje,}
    return mainObje;

I want to replace above code wrote using equirectangular to multiRes

I tried something like below, but didn't work

setviewer(window.pannellum.viewer(panoramaRef.current, {
    let scenes = getListOfExperienceScenes(virtualTourExperience.tourImages);

    "firstScene": virtualTourExperience.tourImages[0].experienceID,
    "scenes": scenes,
    "sceneFadeDuration": 2000,


const getListOfExperienceScenes= (experiencs)=>{

    let dummy = [];
    let mainObje= {};

    dummy= => {

    let obje= { 
        [String(element.experienceID)]: {
            "title": element.roomName,
            "type": "multires",
            "hotSpots": [],
            "multiRes": {
                "basePath": "",
                "path": "/%l/%s%y_%x",
                "fallbackPath": "/fallback/%s",
                "extension": "jpg",
                "tileResolution": 512,
                "maxLevel": 3,
                "cubeResolution": 1296
        return obje;
    dummy.forEach(element => {
        let abc = element;
        mainObje= {...mainObje,}
    return mainObje;

It gave me this result (screentshoot attached)


Thanks in advance

You need to provide a basePath to the root of the multires tile directory for each image. You're not providing one, so it's trying to load the same images for every scene, starting from the root of your site.

Ok but I don't have tile's directory, I have only one 360 Image which I need to load using multiRes.
360 Image ::

I thing I can't load image using multiRes, the reason I only have one Image not tile's directory, right ??...

Thanks @luishcq for response.
I got it...

But I don't want to use other library and directory for tiles.
Now, Simply I want to show fallback UI whenever image is too big.
So is there any way to show Fallback UI in that case ??...

hello @mpetroff @luishcq hope you saw my previous query.
#1200 (comment)

please let me know for the same....

Now, Simply I want to show fallback UI whenever image is too big.

Pannellum will display an error message if the image is too big.