mpentler / boinctui-extended

boinctui-extended is an curses-based terminal BOINC client manager for Linux - featuring added improvements over the original version

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gnutls-openssl not found

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Wanted to try this, but confgure complains about missing gnutls-openssl -- though it's installed. Debian 9.6 stable + bpo, amd64, LXDE, libgnutls-openssl27 3.5.8-5+deb9u4 -- Any ideas?

Oh crikey. Ummm. Not really, no. My knowledge of build systems is pretty sketchy to be honest and I just forked this off.

Fair enough. I'll head over to suleman's and see how that behaves.

Hi Mark. Turns out that's the boinctui I'm already running, so no fun :( Maybe you could post the steps you did to build on your end and I'll try to replicate. It's probably just some trivia, maybe a simple symlink to substitute the version. Had that before. Thanks, Peter.

Ahh, so the original works. Okay, I'll do my best. I'm pretty sure the install script is all I've really needed. I imagine I can check the commit history for the build files but I'm 99% sure the name in is all I changed, and the packages to be installed were the minimum extra I had to install on my test systems:

  1. My Pi 3 (ARM)
  2. Various cloud-based systems from Google and AWS, so all X64-based virtual servers.

Happy to reopen this if suleman's original works and mine doesn't?

Up to you :p

Went as far as to pull in headers, cmake, and reinstalling ssl stuff, to no avail. However, while symlinking gnutls-openssl27 per gnutls-openssl got around the first error, it then stalled at missing opensssl.h header. Didn't find that in sources, only opensslv.h -- which may be the one we want. Could probably be resolved with another symlink, but I'm not in the mood to follow that road.

It would seem naming and version management on PI are different enough to spoil the cake. Not sure if there's any way to make that generic enough to work across different platforms; but since you said you hardly touched to sources, I'm not even sure that's the relevant part at all. You don't happen to have an interest "porting" this to Debian, do you? Haha, just kidding. Have a nice weekend.

That's why I mentioned the cloud systems - figured they'd be closest to your system.

I've checked the commit history for, config and and basically I confirmed I've not changed anything major:


The original fork was just cloned from suleman's repo and then I edited the sources. Other than changing the name and version numbers I've not touched anything from what I can see.

I'm really stumped I'm afraid! I'm happy to leave this open in case somebody passing has any ideas.

Edit: May be one of the other PRs I took that did it?

I do notice that I appear to have nuked a debian directory though... not sure why I did that. Probably because I didn't care about packages?

Ack, I was just playing about :)

And the winner is: ./configure --without-gnutls

Was thinking to try that before but sort of lost it editing elsewhere. Cloned both repos again and both build nicely, --without-gnutls that is. Running OK, and all project data is there. Sweet.

Also, though this is entirely off topic, I think I came across a blog of yours where you talk about (ab)using all those nifty cloud thingies. Haha, love it. Totally agree. Wouldn't mind some bonus hosts doing a few extra WU's :) Are you crunching SETI on any one of them? If so, what's the daily avg?

Oh, that's all it was? I think I do that! I just assumed people would know to do it if they apparently had to. Phew!

As for my stats, depending on project I was doing tens of thousands of WUs a day over a maximum of 10 servers in the end, although I've shut down the Azure ones because it was difficult to keep within their usage limits.

Here's a blog that explains how things went:

And here's my BOINCStats page:

This is my favourite bit: Accumulated more credit than % of all BOINC combined Users | 98.08577% :-D

I've been going for about 8 months now? Really happy with it on those cloud servers. Milk them for all they're worth. The GCS ones let you do 2 instances, one tiny and one medium for like a month.

I don't do SETI for reasons I mention in the blog: Relative usefulness to humanity. I'm a huge spaceflight fan but I think at this moment in human history SETI is useless. We don't have the technology to take advantage of any discoveries.

I mostly run maths and science/medical projects.

Impressive, considering you're on just 8 months. I'm there since pretty much day one; though tons of timeouts, usually years on end without any crunching at all. Well, at least I've passed the million :)

Guess I'll need to check back on those cloud things. Should be OK to close the issue. Maybe add --without-gnutls to README to clarify in advance.


@phhpro hello! Are you still here? Anything to add regarding the recent additions to the readme file?

Hi Mark,
Away from crunching but still alive indeed. Waiting for this Covid nonsense to calm to finally get a flight actually flying.

README looks ok, albeit I failed to spot the SSL hint.

Stuck in transit without proper hardware, so I cannot really do much except breaking fingers on a bloody small screen.


Yep, I am so bored I’m actually answering GitHub queries! Just wondering if there’s crossover really. Would it have solved your issue, etc.

Oh. Except you said you already had it installed, so that should have been fine from the start. Wonder if that Debian folder WAS needed - will check tomorrow.

So I never got around to this but long-term I am looking for somebody to takeover maintaining this project, possibly with more skills than me as I can't code my way out of a wet paper bag.

I just stumbled onto this project - thanks for the update! I was curious as to why C++ was used; seems like a solution built for Python. Question: how are you getting your info? Are you polling output from various boinccmd commands?

Psst this is a fork :)

Doh! Guess it would help if I could read, huh? I've never had the patience to learn C++; maybe this will get me started.