mpc001 / Lipreading_using_Temporal_Convolutional_Networks

ICASSP'22 Training Strategies for Improved Lip-Reading; ICASSP'21 Towards Practical Lipreading with Distilled and Efficient Models; ICASSP'20 Lipreading using Temporal Convolutional Networks

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KeyError: 'optimizer_state_dict' arise with Pretrined model

SHAIIM04 opened this issue · comments

I applied experimental on my own data using the pre-train model "resnet18_mstcn_video" only I modified the run as you mentioned in "You can pass the checkpoint path (.pth or .pth.tar) to the variable argument --model-path, and specify the --init-epoch to 1 to resume training." also i modified "allow_size_mismatch = True" . Then when running the code we got error .

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 3 06 50 AM

so what is the problem and can fix this problem ?

best regrds