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es6-Promise should be es6-promise

aduros opened this issue · comments


Almost all of the node-firefox modules have lines like this:

var Promise = require('es6-Promise').Promise;

This fails on case-sensitive filesystems (Linux). The correct case is es6-promise.

After I made all the replacements, things seem to work surprisingly well on Linux! You might be able to update your support matrix after this change. ;)


Ah, thanks you! I recall this was caught someplace else but I guess not in
every module. Thanks!

On 3 Mar 2015 22:45, "Bruno Garcia" wrote:

Almost all of the node-firefox modules have lines like this:

var Promise = require('es6-Promise').Promise;

This fails on case-sensitive filesystems (Linux). The correct case is

After I made all the replacements, things seem to work surprisingly well
on Linux! You might be able to update your support matrix after this
change. ;)


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This should be fixed. I'm going to try doing some full runs of the module stack on Linux later today / tomorrow, so that will expose any more we've missed.


Thanks for the quick fixes!

It looks like launch-app and uninstall-app still need updating.

Doh, premature close then :) Threw in a couple of PRs for those two...


Merged, so once these are released on npm we should close

Just pushed updates to git and npm for all the modules!