mozilla / mozjpeg

Improved JPEG encoder.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Linux: "Wrong JPEG library version: library is 90, caller expects 62"

FrankEscobar opened this issue · comments

I'm using MozJpeg in a windows app without problems but the same code fails on execution (compiles ok) with that error.

Any idea on this? Thank you for your time.

I think MozJPEG doesn't support ABI 9.0, so you've mixed-up the libraries and you're linking with your system's vanilla libjpeg, and not with mozjpeg.

You are right I'm using Qt Creator as IDE and it is reading the system one.

I've changed it to use pure static and now it works on windows ok but in linux it triggers:
libjpeg-static.a(jcparam.c.o): in function 'jpeg_set_colorspace': first defined here

I think that Qt Creator (gcc compiler) priorizes that system library and unfortunately I have no idea how to change that!

C doesn't support namespacing, so you can use only one JPEG library in an executable. If your build already links to libjpeg anywhere, it will break MozJPEG.