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windows 10 agent fails to daemonize

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Everything works great running in foreground (-d) but when trying to run as service/daemon

Compiled using:

make CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc CGO_ENABLED=1 mig-agent BUILDENV=prod OS=windows ARCH=amd64 AGTCONF=conf/

From Windows Services (services.msc):

Windows could not start MIG Agent service on Local Computer
Error: 5 Access is Denied

From Command Line (as administrator):

2017/03/02 06:07:44 - - - [info] Failed to stop service mig-agent: 'The specified service does not exist as an installed service.'
2017/03/02 06:07:44 - - - [info] Failed to remove service mig-agent: 'service mig-agent is not installed'
2017/03/02 06:07:44 - - - [info] Installed mig-agent service
2017/03/02 06:07:44 - - - [debug] leaving serviceDeploy()
2017/03/02 06:07:44 - - - [debug] leaving daemonize()
2017/03/02 06:07:44 - - - [debug] leaving initAgent()
2017/03/02 06:07:44 - - - [error] Init failed: 'initAgent() -> daemonize() -> serviceDeploy() -> Access is denied.'
2017/03/02 06:07:44 - - - [info] Sleep 60s and retry
Is there a trick for getting this to work

From Command Line in Foreground:

C:\Program Files (x86)\mig>mig-agent- -d
[warn] Could not load a local conf from "/etc/mig/mig-agent.cfg", err: configLoad() -> open /etc/mig/mig-agent.cfg: The system cannot find the path specified.
[info] Using builtin conf.
2017/03/02 06:11:16 - - - [debug] leaving initChannels()
2017/03/02 06:11:16 - - - [debug] Logging routine initialized.
2017/03/02 06:11:16 - - - [debug] leaving findHostname()
2017/03/02 06:11:16 - - - [debug] leaving findOSInfo()
2017/03/02 06:11:16 - - - [debug] Found local address fe80::98ec:1789:14e6:863/64
2017/03/02 06:11:16 - - - [debug] Found local address
2017/03/02 06:11:16 - - - [debug] Found local address 2001:0:d59:2ec8:809:26b9:39cc:17c8/64
2017/03/02 06:11:16 - - - [debug] Found local address fe80::809:26b9:39cc:17c8/64
2017/03/02 06:11:16 - - - [debug] Found local address fe80::5efe:a00:20f/128
2017/03/02 06:11:16 - - - [debug] leaving initAgentID()
2017/03/02 06:11:16 - - - [debug] Trying proxy from environment otherwise direct connection for public IP retrieval
2017/03/02 06:11:16 - - - [debug] Found public ip
2017/03/02 06:11:17 - - - [debug] AWS metadata service not found, skipping fetch
2017/03/02 06:11:17 - - - [debug] Loading permission named 'default'
2017/03/02 06:11:17 - - - [debug] Loading permission named 'agentdestroy'
2017/03/02 06:11:17 - - - [debug] leaving initACL()
2017/03/02 06:11:17 - - - [debug] Trying proxies from environment for relay connection
2017/03/02 06:11:17 - - - [debug] AMQP:, port=5671, vhost=mig
2017/03/02 06:11:17 - - - [debug] leaving initMQ()
2017/03/02 06:11:17 - - - [info] Failed to connect to relay using HTTP_PROXY: 'initMQ() -> Failed to find a suitable proxy in environment'
2017/03/02 06:11:17 - - - [debug] Trying direct relay connection
2017/03/02 06:11:17 - - - [debug] AMQP:, port=5671, vhost=mig
2017/03/02 06:11:17 - - - [debug] Loading AMQPS TLS parameters
2017/03/02 06:11:17 - - - [debug] Establishing connection to relay
2017/03/02 06:11:18 - - - [debug] leaving initMQ()
2017/03/02 06:11:18 - - - [debug] leaving initAgent()
2017/03/02 06:11:18 - - - [info] periodic environment refresh is disabled
2017/03/02 06:11:18 - - - [debug] initializing any persistent modules
2017/03/02 06:11:18 - - - [info] Mozilla InvestiGator version started agent DESKTOP-UJJQJF1.WORKGROUP
2017/03/02 06:11:18 - - - [debug] heartbeat "{"name":"DESKTOP-UJJQJF1.WORKGROUP","queueloc":"windows.ym5eiw5142j5k296gmc9x9ssv0cynizc1pnawnajb15tc9m8jd329moqhku81nupffkwhpyegkest4wvycm6z1gk2zxlix6ur4","mode":"daemon","version":"","pid":4588,"starttime":"2017-03-02T06:11:18.1469671-05:00","destructiontime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","heartbeatts":"2017-03-02T06:11:18.1469671-05:00","refreshts":"2017-03-02T06:11:17.7407728-05:00","environment":{"init":"windows","ident":"Microsoft Windows 10 Pro

@shanerman yeah this is a known issue we are looking at right now. See #319 and #107 for a few details, but the short of it is we use a go package for service management (like configuring the agent to run as a service on a given platform). This package we use was a fork from a while ago, which has a few issues with Win 10. A new version of it is being brought into the code base for the Windows agent which has been tested to fix this, but has not been merged into master yet.

@ameihm0912 ok great, appreciate the explanation and all the work you're doing! I'll keep an eye out for the fix.