mozilla / dump_syms

Rewrite of breakpad dump_syms tools in Rust

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

include dump_syms version in sym file

willkg opened this issue · comments

There are cases where it'd be helpful to know which version of dump_syms generated the sym file.

Can we include it in an INFO line?

We already have INFO CODE_ID and INFO URL, so how about INFO GENERATOR?

INFO GENERATOR dump_syms 2.0.0

In symbolic's breakpad parser, any INFO line which does not start with INFO CODE_ID gets turned into BreakpadInfoRecord::Other.
In rust-minidump's parser, any INFO line which does not start with INFO URL gets turned into Info::Unknown.

I'm cool with INFO GENERATOR, but shall we I'd rather put the git revision since we always go by git revision in treeherder... or I need to learn how to make more frequent releases.

I'm ok with using the git revision instead of a version. I just need to be able to know which specific dump_syms generated the sym file.

The version can be obtained from env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"). For the git revision, a small is needed, according to this stackoverflow answer.

I went with the version number because I've automated the release flow so cutting a new release is a piece of cake and it doesn't have the ambiguity of git revisions coming from different branches.

And it's fixed!