mozilla / DeepSpeech

DeepSpeech is an open source embedded (offline, on-device) speech-to-text engine which can run in real time on devices ranging from a Raspberry Pi 4 to high power GPU servers.

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Node binding npm Deepspeech module missing for 9.3

Perpleex opened this issue · comments

I updated to 0.93

deepspeech node error Error: Cannot find module '/node_modules/deepspeech/lib/binding/v0.9.3/linux-x64/node-v93/deepspeech.node'

My npm node module updated to 0.9.3 :
:~/sttServer/ws2/node_modules/deepspeech/lib/binding/v0.9.3/linux-x64$ ls
electron-v10.0 electron-v11.0 electron-v6.0 electron-v7.0 electron-v8.0 electron-v9.1 node-v67 node-v79 node-v88
electron-v10.1 electron-v5.0 electron-v6.1 electron-v7.1 electron-v9.0 electron-v9.2 node-v64 node-v72 node-v83
No reference to node-v93

node-v93 is for nodejs v16, there is no such support, send a PR if you want to.

It's weird i'm on node 16.14.

What is weird you just confirmed my statement ? v16 was pushed only on master, never released.