mozilla / DeepSpeech

DeepSpeech is an open source embedded (offline, on-device) speech-to-text engine which can run in real time on devices ranging from a Raspberry Pi 4 to high power GPU servers.

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Find Word Error Rate?

Chaitanya1597 opened this issue · comments

Currently, I'm using DeepSpeech 0.9.3 and trying to find out Word Error Rate on the Common Voice Mozilla dataset. My question is, is there any python script to find out WER? if Yes, please help me with this.

I also want to know how could I calculate the WER?

@Chaitanya1597 and @yunzqq - what you are looking for is the metric called - "Levenshtein Distance". You have to calculate this between the Ground-Truth-Text (alias Referenztext (the origin voice input that you made as text)) and the Deepspeech - Transcription (output text)
more useful informations: Articel from Rafael C. Carrasco - i hope this is helpful for you?