Mozilla-GitHub-Standards / 61a9144f35b30b93e9539045ef6180ae8cf41179f4f5619a1acdc50f24d2ff61

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A library for interfacing with Stackato and for automatically updating stackato instances. This is specifically built for Mozilla and Stackato and might not be relevant to you.

This is very much a work in progress.

To install:

pip install tardy

Tardy is a Python library with a command line interface.

  • -f or --file: points to a JSON file that contains configuration. Optional, if not specified uses tardy.json
  • -d or --dump: dumps the contents of the Tardy configuration (which is just a JSON file) that contains a list of all the instances created by Tardy.
  • -t or --test: doesn't actually execute commands, just prints.
  • -g or --git: used when you aren't running Tardy from the source of the project. It will create a .tardy.repos directory and check the source out into that directory. This is used when you have one project that requires two or three other projects.
  • -l or --last: prints out the uuid of the last stackato instance created for that project.
  • -a or --action: one of update, delete, create, restart. Will do:
    • create: creates an instance and stores into the Tardy configuration.
    • update: creates a new instance, maps the urls over to it, then deletes the old one. Doing so changes the name of the instance each time.
    • restart: stops and starts each stackato instance.
    • delete: deletes each stackato instance.
  • -q or --quiet: less output onto the console.

For each stackato instance you want to create, you will need a configuration file:

  "stackato": {
    "name": "zippy",
    "pre": [
      "cp lib/config/local-dist.js lib/config/local.js"
    "git": {
      "repo": ""
  "git": {
    "name": "zippy",
    "repo": ""
  • stackato: config for stackato
    • pre: a list of commands to run prior to upload to stackato, each command is passed the env variables as dictionary for python strings. The variable URL is also passed, this is the stackato URL instance.
    • git: the git repo of this instance.
  • git: config for git
    • repo: the git repo of this instance.


Creating an integration test between two services

In this case we have a repo that contains integration tests between two other repos. This will create a unique instance of each repo on stackato and then run the integration tests. Since the instances are unique, multiple people can run this at once:

# Create a zippy instance.
tardy -f zippy.json -a create -g

# Find the last instance of zippy so solitude can find it.
zippy=`tardy -f zippy.json --last`
echo 'Last instance of zippy is at:' $zippy
export ZIPPY=$zippy

# Create a solitude instance, pointing to zippy.
tardy -f solitude.json -a create -g

# Now run the zippy solitude integration tests.
solitude=`tardy -f solitude.json --last`
echo 'Last instance of solitude is at:' $solitude
python --url=https://solitude-$

# Get rid of our solitude and zippy instances
tardy -f solitude.json -a delete -g
tardy -f zippy.json -a delete -g

For more see

Updating stackato when unit tests pass

In this case we are checking out a repo and running unit tests on a repo. This will occur on each github commit. If the tests pass then it will update the instance on stackato:

source /opt/rh/python27/enable
set -e


if [ ! -d "$VENV/bin" ]; then
  echo "No virtualenv found.  Making one..."
  virtualenv $VENV --system-site-packages --python=python
  source $VENV/bin/activate
  pip install --upgrade pip

source $VENV/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade tardy

# In this case the jenkins user has stackato credentials to hit the server.
tardy -f tardy.json -a upgrade

Example output:

[master] hello $ tardy -a update -q
hello: Updating
Command: stackato apps --json
hello: New app id: hello
hello: Old app id: tardy-update-hello
Command: stackato apps --json
Command: stackato map tardy-update-hello
Command: stackato push hello --as=hello --no-prompt --no-start
Command: stackato start hello --no-prompt --no-tail
Command: stackato map hello
Command: stackato unmap tardy-update-hello
Command: stackato apps --json
Command: stackato delete tardy-update-hello
hello: Note: the app has been renamed to hello

[master] hello $ tardy -a update -q
hello: Updating
Command: stackato apps --json
hello: New application id is: tardy-update-hello
hello: Old application id is: hello
Command: stackato apps --json
Command: stackato map hello
Command: stackato push hello --as=tardy-update-hello --no-prompt --no-start
Command: stackato start tardy-update-hello --no-prompt --no-tail
Command: stackato map tardy-update-hello
Command: stackato unmap hello
Command: stackato apps --json
Command: stackato unmap tardy-update-hello
Command: stackato delete hello
hello: Note: the app has been renamed to tardy-update-hello

For more see




Language:Python 100.0%