move-language / move

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[Dwarf] New language name for Move

ksolana opened this issue · comments

As move->llvm compiler is in the works. There is a need to have Dwarf attribute supporting move programming language.

As per "Between revisions of the Standard, new language codes may be requested by submitting a request on the Public Comment page."

It can be based on a recent request by Mojo:

Sounds like a great idea. We discuss at the next Move community meeting, I think you, Mysten, Aptos and other can co-sign this. I can work on the form after we discussed.


We need a new value LLVMDWARFSourceLanguage::LLVMDWARFSourceLanguageMove likewise llvm to support and generate Dwarf info for all Move language constructs.

We need a new value LLVMDWARFSourceLanguage::LLVMDWARFSourceLanguageMove likewise llvm to support and generate Dwarf info for all Move language constructs.

Can you link to/quickly describe whats the difference, meaning wise and process wise? Can we get both with one request?

There are two steps

  1. Email dwardstd as mentioned in the issue description.
  2. Once that is approved, put a patch to llvm-project with an entry like LLVMDWARFSourceLanguage::LLVMDWARFSourceLanguageMove

1 needs to happen first. But we can do the changes in our internal llvm fork with second part to make progress.

Looks like we dropped the ball on this. Is it still a thing?

Yeah, we are expecting the move language designers to propose this to the DWARF committee.