motioneye-project / motioneyeos

A Video Surveillance OS For Single-board Computers

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Dropping fps after some minutes

Dukadyr opened this issue · comments

Preliminary Docs

I confirm that I have read the CONTRIBUTING guide before opening this issue.

I confirm that I have read the FAQ before opening this issue.

motionEyeOS Version: motionEyeOS 20200606

Board Model: Pi Zero w and Pi Zero 2 w

Camera : Pi Camera v2

I am using the following type of camera: Fast Network Camera

Network Connection: Wifi 2,4GHz/5GHz

My motionEyeOS unit is connected to the network via: WIFI

I am using the following peripherals that I consider relevant to this issue:

  • (e.g. USB WiFi adapter)
  • (e.g. External Hard Disk)

Log Files

I consider the following log files relevant to this issue:

  • (attach e.g. motioneye.log)
  • (attach e.g. boot.log)

Hey folks,
the issue:
my (Fast Network Camera) stream works for some minutes (2-4) fine with 15-20fps, but after a while its dropping to 1-2 fps.
At this moment I'm running following Settings: 800x600 / 15fps / Bitrate: 1000000/ Image Quality: 15%

I have tried all kinds of settings, like changing GPU Memory, Overclocking and Underclocking, changing Quality.

On the Wifi Connection i get 14 / 5 MBit/s Signal.
Logfiles are clean, no Errors...
Also tried it with another Pi Zero 2 w and another MotioneyeOS - same problem
Is there someone with another Hint or Solution for me?

The PiZero2W would use the Pi3 image or the other image that Jawsper posted (pinned in Issues). it is not supported with the PiZero/Pi1 image.
I suggest shifting the PiZero to dev20201026 image.
Make sure the Frame Rate dimmer and Resolution Dimmer are set to 100.

The PiZero2W would use the Pi3 image or the other image that Jawsper posted (pinned in Issues). it is not supported with the PiZero/Pi1 image. I suggest shifting the PiZero to dev20201026 image. Make sure the Frame Rate dimmer and Resolution Dimmer are set to 100.

yes, i know.
the image version i used on the pi zero 2 w was jawspers image.
now I am running the Pi Zero w with motionEyeOS 20200606.

I would also check for thermal throttling using the

vcgencmd get_throttled


I use a script to get human-readable info:

= = = = =

#!/usr/bin/env python2

import subprocess

GET_THROTTLED_CMD = 'vcgencmd get_throttled'
0: 'Under-voltage!',
1: 'ARM frequency capped!',
2: 'Currently throttled!',
3: 'Soft temperature limit active',
16: 'Under-voltage has occurred since last reboot.',
17: 'Throttling has occurred since last reboot.',
18: 'ARM frequency capped has occurred since last reboot.',
19: 'Soft temperature limit has occurred'

print("Checking for throttling issues since last reboot...")

throttled_output = subprocess.check_output(GET_THROTTLED_CMD, shell=True)
throttled_binary = bin(int(throttled_output.split('=')[1], 0))

warnings = 0
for position, message in MESSAGES.iteritems():
# Check for the binary digits to be "on" for each warning message
if len(throttled_binary) > position and throttled_binary[0 - position - 1] == '1':
warnings += 1

if warnings == 0:
print("Looking good!")
print("Houston, we may have a problem!")
= = = = =

I would also check for thermal throttling using the

vcgencmd get_throttled


I use a script to get human-readable info:

= = = = =

#!/usr/bin/env python2

import subprocess

GET_THROTTLED_CMD = 'vcgencmd get_throttled' MESSAGES = { 0: 'Under-voltage!', 1: 'ARM frequency capped!', 2: 'Currently throttled!', 3: 'Soft temperature limit active', 16: 'Under-voltage has occurred since last reboot.', 17: 'Throttling has occurred since last reboot.', 18: 'ARM frequency capped has occurred since last reboot.', 19: 'Soft temperature limit has occurred' }

print("Checking for throttling issues since last reboot...")

throttled_output = subprocess.check_output(GET_THROTTLED_CMD, shell=True) throttled_binary = bin(int(throttled_output.split('=')[1], 0))

warnings = 0 for position, message in MESSAGES.iteritems(): # Check for the binary digits to be "on" for each warning message if len(throttled_binary) > position and throttled_binary[0 - position - 1] == '1': print(message) warnings += 1

if warnings == 0: print("Looking good!") else: print("Houston, we may have a problem!") = = = = =

Thx for the Hint!

Checking for throttling issues since last reboot...
Looking good!

I would then switch to the dev20201026 image, and check the Dimmer settings.

I would then switch to the dev20201026 image, and check the Dimmer settings.

Dimmers are on 100%
Ill give the dev image a try. Thx bud!