motform / stimmung-themes

emacs tuned to inner harmonies

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Customize themeing

casouri opened this issue · comments

Thanks for the inspiring theme! I noticed that you don't have any themeing for customize or widget. I know not a lot of people use Customize, I don't use it regularly either. But I like to theme it just for the look ;-)

I would theme at least the buttons and that jarring blue header:
Screen Shot 2022-03-25 at 3 26 09 PM

This is what I do for my theme:
Screen Shot 2022-03-25 at 3 25 15 PM

Hi @casouri, thank you for the kind words and for pointing out that glaring oversight. It was a long time since I went into customise by something other than mistake, but it should obviously be themed. There where a lot of faces, but I think it ended up pretty good. Very much inspired by your theme!


There is some conceptual face overlap with the modeline, but I don't think that will really confuse anyone (if so, I guess the button could be a bit darker). The theme also still resects variable-pitch, I just forced it to be mono since I'm a troglodyte.

Also got me looking at some of the widget faces, so there should be an overall lift for anything using the GUI elements.

Cool! Didn't know you can use -1 on :line-width, TIL ;-)

Just as you can use negative margins in css, the wonders of computers never cease too exist!

I'll close this issue for now, seems like most of custom is covered. Thank you for the feedback!