Are these codes available on sc09 dataset?
north-redwing opened this issue · comments
Dear mostafaelaraby,
Hi, thank you for your pytorch implementation.
I've done your codes on sc09 speech dataset with some hyperparameters, but I couldn't get any plausible sound results (no sound).
Are these codes available on sc09 dataset?
If you have succeeded on sc09, please tell me the hyperparameters.
@north-redwing Hi, I couldn't get plausible sound results either. Have you figured it out?
Thank you in advance!
Hi, Sorry for late replay but I have not trained on sc09 dataset anymore.
Maybe WaveGAN is somewhat unstable as is usual with other GANs, I think.
However, on other datasets I could get plausible sounds with decreasing lr_g to 1e-5, so please try with the params as possible.
I suppose generator has fell into a local optimum solution, that is silence...?
Anyway, if you succeed or figure it out why we fail in training on sc09, please tell me!
I have done with lr_g=1e-5 on sc09 and I counld get no silent but very noisy sounds.
So maybe with better parameters we will get plausible sounds.
@north-redwing hope you managed to make it work, Gans in general are sensitive to hyper-parameters (specifically lr and batch size ) and Gans that generates wavelets are even harder to tune the model would easily reach local minima and collapse causing silent waves .
@mostafaelaraby @fjiang9 @north-redwing. Hi, I have generated silence waves in SC09 datasets, have you succeeded in getting plausible sounds?