mortenjust / native-diffusion

Native Stable Diffusion inference on iOS / macOS using MPSGraph

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Getting started with image input - can't figure it out

icanzilb opened this issue · comments

This is what I'm doing:

  • cloned the repo
  • went with Option 1 and downloaded the zip, unzipped the "bins" folder
  • opened the SimpleDiffusion app and changed the URL in the task modifier to point to the local path:
            let path = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Users/xyz/Downloads/bins")
            do {
                try await sd.prepModels(localUrl: path)
  • additionally set the inputImage to my input image:
            inputImage = NSImage(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Users/xyz/IMG_1076.JPG"))?
                .cgImage(forProposedRect: nil, context: nil, hints: nil)

When I run the app, I set the prompt to "cat" and start the conversion. The process begins and then crashes with:

The file “first_stage_model.encoder.conv_in.weight.bin” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.

You're doing it right. I have just uploaded a new pre-converted model to Google Drive, which also uses SD 1.5 and the encoder stuff for image to image.

Thanks @mortenjust, I gave a try to the new download and it still crashes but with a different exception:

Model is ready
RAW progress 0.0
RAW progress 0.05
loc("mps_multiply_24"("(mpsFileLoc): /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/810eba08-405a-11ed-86e9-6af958a02716/Library/Caches/":228:0)): error: input types 'tensor<1x504x378x4xf16>' and 'tensor<1x64x64x4xf16>' are not broadcast compatible
loc("mps_multiply_24"("(mpsFileLoc): /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/810eba08-405a-11ed-86e9-6af958a02716/Library/Caches/":228:0)): error: 'mps.multiply' op failed to fold or infer return types
loc("mps_add_31"("(mpsFileLoc): /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/810eba08-405a-11ed-86e9-6af958a02716/Library/Caches/":228:0)): error: input types 'tensor<?x504x378x4xf16>' and 'tensor<1x64x64x4xf16>' are not broadcast compatible
loc("mps_add_31"("(mpsFileLoc): /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/810eba08-405a-11ed-86e9-6af958a02716/Library/Caches/":228:0)): error: 'mps.add' op failed to fold or infer return types
2022-11-24 19:16:22.048313+0100 SimpleDiffusion[50390:6618476] /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/810eba08-405a-11ed-86e9-6af958a02716/Library/Caches/, line 1584: error 'Error: MLIR pass manager failed'
/AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/810eba08-405a-11ed-86e9-6af958a02716/Library/Caches/ failed assertion `Error: MLIR pass manager failed'
/AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/810eba08-405a-11ed-86e9-6af958a02716/Library/Caches/ failed assertion `Error: MLIR pass manager failed'

I wonder if it expects a specific image format or something?

Oh yes, it expects a 512x512 image. Thanks for the help!