moritzsternemann / SwipyCell

Easy to use UITableViewCell implementing swiping to trigger actions.

Repository from Github https://github.commoritzsternemann/SwipyCellRepository from Github https://github.commoritzsternemann/SwipyCell

Why set the cell.contentView.backgroundColor white?

talisk opened this issue · comments


I have a TableView with clear background color contentView. I found that the contentView.backgroundColor will be set UIColor.white when the contentView.backgroundColor != nil and backgroundColor == UIColor.clear. So when I swipe the cell there's a white background appeared in above of the cell.

The code is in line 136 SwipyCell.swift.

I think I did this to prevent the background from peeking through for some special use case but I couldn't figure out why exactly. 😁

Removed in 2.0.2