morepath / morepath-cookiecutter

A Cookiecutter Template for Morepath

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

py.test starts running tests in the virtualenv

faassen opened this issue · comments

When I use py.test as in the README it starts running tests in lib/python2.7/site-packages. The readme should at least explain you should qualify the py.test command.

This is actually a bug. Are you sure you're running the py.test defined by the virtualenv (bin/py.test)?

It is meant to work without any arguments and ignore the lib directory (see setup.cfg for the list of excluded folders).

Weird. I am using bin/py.test. It is using the version of pytest stored under lib/site-packages too. I'm on Python 2, and I installed cookiecutter from another virtualenv.

It happens both when I invoke through bin/py.test or when I activitate the virtualenv and do py.test. The version of py.test that gets installed is 2.9.1.

Can you try to rename setup.cfg into a pytest.ini file in the generated package? Seems like py.test sometimes does not pick up setup.cfg:

Tried that, still the same behavior. I really don't get why this isn't working either...

By the way, I think I prefer pytest.ini for this instead of setup.cfg, but perhaps you have a good reason to use setup.cfg instead.

I just went ahead and reinstalled it all, still the same behavior. What am I doing differently?

Aaah, wait! I'm on 64 bit Linux, and I have a lib64 in my virtualenv!

Yeah, that fixes it. You need to add lib64 to setup.cfg (or pytest.ini).

Cool, thanks!