moonlight-stream / moonlight-embedded

Gamestream client for embedded systems

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Stream command fails with RTSP Error.

Fredrum opened this issue · comments

NVidia Geforce Experience version:

Moonlight Embedded version:

Moonlight Embedded source: repository/included in distribution/compiled from source/...

Moonlight Embedded running on: Raspberry Pi/Cubox-i/Hummingboard/Other linux device/...
RPi4 - Buster

Moonlight Embedded running on distribution: Arch Linux/Raspbian/OpenELEC/...

Verbose output -verbose of Moonlight Embedded:
Moonlight Embedded 2.4.10-master-5b6639c

What is the expected result?
Having done the pairing with PC successfully and then launching with 'stream' I expected it to start doing that.

What happens instead of that?
It started well but then I got:

Starting RTSP handshake.....RTSP OPTIONS request failed.
Failed: 552

The the Raspberry froze completely and I had to reboot.

I am trying to run over LAN with both RPi and PC attached to the same network switch.
The PC has its firewall disable for testing. And its a Win8.1 pc btw.

Any ideas of what causes this to fail?


Getting the same error on a fresh raspberry pi 4 with these instructions successfully completed.
Pairing works, streaming results in
Starting RTSP handshake.....RTSP OPTIONS request failed. Failed: 552.

GFE is on
Moonlight Embedded 2.4.10

I get the exact same error message. GFE states that gamestreaming should be possible from windows 7 upwards. Is it really only the operating system that causes the problem?

Fresh install. Tried per package install and also per cmake.
RPi3B+ Buster
GFE Win7
Moonlight Embedded 2.4.10-master-5b6639c

Starting RTSP handshake...RTSP OPTIONS request failed: 552
failed: 552

Then the raspberry freezes. Sometimes I also get additionally:

Cleaning up platform...done
Error: cannot keep up

Well I'm running Windows 10 and I'm having the same issue.

Raspberry Pi 3 and Retropie w/ Buster
Windows 10 PC, Geforce Experince and a GTX 960


Moonlight Embedded 2.4.10
I have the same problem.

Moonlight Embedded 2.5.1, Raspberry 4, GFE and same problem as well... Before the 552 error code, I get a

RTSP port : 48010 (RTSP URL parsing failed) 

I don't know if it is relevant.

The RTSP handling part is in the Moonlight common C dependency, so I guess opening an issue there might be a good idea ?