moodlehq / moodle-cs

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Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property MoodleHQ\MoodleCS\moodle\Sniffs\ControlStructures\ControlSignatureSniff::$supportedTokenizers is deprecated in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/moodle/mod/tutoom/vendor/moodlehq/moodle-cs/moodle/Sniffs/ControlStructures/ControlSignatureSniff.php on line 38

jimmy-sandoval opened this issue · comments

Hi, I'm new around here.

I am installing moodlehq/moodle-cs in my plugin version 3.3.0 and it gives me problems. In each file that I try to save, it generates a log at the top:

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property MoodleHQ\MoodleCS\moodle\Sniffs\ControlStructures\ControlSignatureSniff::$supportedTokenizers is deprecated in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/moodle/mod/tutoom/vendor/moodlehq/moodle-cs/moodle/Sniffs/ControlStructures /ControlSignatureSniff.php on line 38


This is my composer.json

  "require": {
    "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "*",
    "moodlehq/moodle-cs": "^3.3"
  "require-dev": {
    "phpcompatibility/php-compatibility": "dev-develop",
    "dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": "^0.7.2"
  "config": {
    "allow-plugins": {
      "dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": true

And another problem or warnign:

Location: vendor/moodlehq/moodle-cs/moodle/Util/MoodleUtil.php

Hi @jimmy-sandoval ,

thanks for the report. This was fixed some time ago (the 2 problems) by this commit: 702e30b

So I'm going to close this now. Ciao :-)