Monica255 / Bangkit-Capstone-Project-Redmine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


About Redmine

Bangkit Academy 2022 led by Google, Gojek, Traveloka, and GoTo - Capstone Project

Social media is one of the mandatory things used all over the world, including in Indonesia. In January 2022, social media users in Indonesia reached 191 million users, with 84.8% being Instagram users, making Instagram one of Indonesia's favorite communication and entertainment media, especially social media.

In addition, Instagram can be a medium of information, one of which is notification of something sudden and "Need a blood donor" one of them. We often come across calls for help regarding blood donation for victims. The survey says that 5 out of 5 Instagram users* don't care and ignore it.

And here we are, Redmine, an interactive blood donation application that can be used quickly and friendly for every user.

Redmine is here as a solution to these problems; Redmine is also present as a liaison between blood donors and those who need blood. We believe this is a serious procedure which if the patient does not get the appropriate blood immediately, it will lead to new problems such as blood deficiency, damage to vital organs, and death due to lack of blood.

Some of the features found on Redmine, such as

  1. Donate blood
  2. Looking for blood donors
  3. Make a donor request
  4. Interactive schedule, and
  5. FAQ

We have also added OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to the application for the identity of the donor in order to provide and ensure a sense of security to the patient.

The biggest challenge we experienced as developers of this Redmine application was in the timing of the process. The design of the OCR feature takes a lot of time, starting from building a model structure, training and testing, as well as other things in the fields of Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, and Mobile Development.

In the future, Redmine will improve in terms of reducing existing deficiencies in the application, as well as adding new innovations to support this application. And will continue to do training and testing for Redmine which is much better.

*The test was conducted at Brawijaya University which was chosen randomly
