mongodb / mongodb-kubernetes-operator

MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Feature Request] Enable Copying/Annotation of Generated Secrets to Additional Namespaces

marcolongol opened this issue · comments

Issue Summary:
Currently, the secrets generated by the CRD are limited to the namespace where the CRD is deployed. It would be beneficial to enable the copying of these secrets to additional namespaces for increased flexibility and usability.

Proposed Solution:
To enable this functionality, additional secret annotations could be exposed in the CRD or inherited from the CRD/StatefulSet. This would allow reflector, replicator or any other annotation-based secret/configMap operator to copy the generated secrets to the specified target namespaces. This enhancement would not only benefit randomly generated passwordSecretRef secrets as discussed in #1323 but also generated connectionStringSecretName secrets.

I'm willing to contribute to this feature by submitting a PR. I would appreciate guidance on the specific files needing modification to implement this functionality.

This feature would greatly improve the usability of the CRD and enhance its flexibility in various deployment scenarios.

This issue is being marked stale because it has been open for 60 days with no activity. Please comment if this issue is still affecting you. If there is no change, this issue will be closed in 30 days.