mongodb / mongodb-kubernetes-operator

MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nonsecure prometheus

domenicbove opened this issue · comments

This might be more of a feature request. But I am looking for a way to configure prometheus thru the MongoDBCommunity CR without having to input a user/password.

What did you do to encounter the bug?
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Edit MongoDBCommunity CR, and set prometheus section to
    port: 9216
  1. Receives error
# "mongodb" was not valid:
# * spec.prometheus.passwordSecretRef: Required value
# * spec.prometheus.username: Required value

What did you expect?
I am hoping for a way to get prometheus enabled without providing a user/password. As far as I can tell, when I remove the prometheus section entirely, there is no enablement in the mongodb-config secret.
The only way to get it configured in there is with a user/pass

Operator Information

  • Operator Version - mongodb-kubernetes-operator:0.8.2
  • MongoDB Image used - 7.0.2

Kubernetes Cluster Information

  • Distribution
  • Version
  • Image Registry location (quay, or an internal registry)

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

If possible, please include:

  • kubectl describe output
  • yaml definitions for your objects
  • log files for the operator and database pods

Hi @domenicbove - it is not possible to disable basic auth at the MongoDB agent level. We have no plans address this in near future.

I am closing this as "won't fix" since we don't plan to implement a feature disabling basic auth in the near future.