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morphOne $model (mysql) -> relation (mongo)

busaku opened this issue · comments

  • Laravel-mongodb Version: 4.2.0
  • PHP Version: 8.3.4
  • Database Driver & Version: php8.3-mongodb latest


I have a model with a mysql collection e.g.
$product. with a meta-field relation (morphOne) to a MetaData model (mongoDB).
$this->meta()->toMql() will show a query like
{ $and: [{"meta.metable_id": "<prodId>", "meta.metable_type": "<prodEntity>"}]}
But: I dont know where the meta. prefix comes from.
If you just create a $this->meta()->make() Model. The values got prefilled correcty (just metable_id and metable_type, without meta. prefix)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a morhOne relationShip inside a model who uses a mysql-db:
public function meta(): MorphOne
        return $this->morphOne(MetaData::class, 'metable');

add it to a MetaData model who use mongoDB

    public function metable(): MorphTo
        return $this->morphTo(__FUNCTION__, 'metable_type', 'metable_id');
  1. Run $model->relation()->toMql();
  2. -> see the result with the wrong relation-fields prefixed with meta.

(It did not happend if the $model is an Mongo-Model too!)

Expected behaviour

Use the correct field names (not prefixed with meta.)

Actual behaviour

It put the prefix meta. in front of "metable" field names