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First argument of MongoDB\Laravel\Query\Builder::where must be a field path as "string". Got "null"

clarkeash opened this issue · comments

  • Laravel-mongodb Version: 4.1.1
  • PHP Version: 8.3.2
  • Database Driver & Version: 1.17.2

Description: I am currently upgrading to Laravel 10 and v4 of this library and when calling save on an embeded document I get the error: First argument of MongoDB\Laravel\Query\Builder::where must be a field path as "string". Got "null"

Steps to reproduce

I have the following models (simplified for clarity)

class Account extends Model {
public function stripe(): EmbedsOne
        return $this->embedsOne(Stripe::class);
class Stripe extends Model {}

Then when I try to update the stripe subdocument like so:

$account = Account::find(...);
$stripe = $account->stripe;
$stripe->subscription = ['some data'];

Expected behaviour

Tell us what should happen jenssegers/mongodb 3.9 it would save the data just fine.

Actual behaviour

1) Tests\Feature\Actions\Stripe\CancelPendingChangeTest::it_will_cancel_a_pending_modification
InvalidArgumentException: First argument of MongoDB\Laravel\Query\Builder::where must be a field path as "string". Got "null"


I am unsure if this is a bug or if I have missed something, can you point me in the right direction? Thanks

Hi, we have a test for the embedOne feature, but it seems that your use-case is not covered.

Tracking this issue in Jira to investigate. PHPORM-144

This exception was introduced in #2642 063d73f

I've been unable to reproduce the bug by creating a model similar to yours.

Strange, I will try and put together a reproducible case for you

Hi @clarkeash, were you able to find a reproducer?

Closing as I can't reproduce. I can reopen if you can provide a reproducer.

Okay fair enough, I have not had the time to reproduce it as I have a workaround.