momocow / node-cq-websocket

A Node SDK for developing QQ chatbots based on WebSocket, which is depending on CoolQ and CQHTTP API plugin.

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Development flows

momocow opened this issue · comments



Clean all files that match src/**/*.d.ts and src/**/*.js and the .dist folder (which contains local builds).

npm run clean


Following semantic commit message via commitizen.

npm run commit


  • Coding style: StandardJS
  • Linter: tslint + tslint-config-standard
npm run lint


Compile all .ts files in place.

Since the main field in package.json is configured to be src/index, either typescript or javascript projects can find their corresponding entry files.

  • Compiler: tsc
npm run build


Generate the cq-websocket.min.js and cq-websocket.kaomojified.js as the legacy work did. The output directory is dist on CI servers and .dist at local.

  • Compiler: webpack
npm run webpack


Run semantic-release.

This will do actual release if it is master branch and there is any commit that causes version changed.

npm run release


Run tests with AVA with ts-node/register enabled.

For nyc to correctly report the coverage, in tsconfig.json inlineSourceMap is set to true and source-map-support is installed.

npm test


Coverage will be reported to coveralls.

npm run coverage


API references are generated using Typedoc with typedoc-plugin-external-module-name under /docs/api folder.

npm run docs

Update CQHTTP version in comment blocks

Parse all tsdoc comment blocks under src folder and update CQHTTP version in the CQHTTP document URL according to the minimal version specified by engines.cqhttp field in package.json.

gulp docs:update-cqhttp-version