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Question: How to visualize docking outputs in embedded HTML?

smbatyankh opened this issue · comments

Hello everyone,

I'm reaching out to see if anyone knows how to visualize both protein and ligand interactions. Currently, I've managed to implement two methods for visualizing them in embedded HTML, but I'm still unable to show their interactions clearly. Is there a method to merge structures seamlessly and visualize them within embedded HTML? I'd appreciate any insights or suggestions.

Below is the code I'm currently using for the visualization:

<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
        <link rel="icon" href="./favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
        <title>Embedded Mol* Viewer</title>
            #app {
                display: flex;
                flex-direction: column
                align-items: stretch;
                height: 100vh;
                margin: 0;
                padding: 0;
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
        <div id="app"></div>
        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            molstar.Viewer.create('app', {
                layoutIsExpanded: false,
                layoutShowControls: false,
                layoutShowRemoteState: false,
                layoutShowSequence: true,
                layoutShowLog: false,
                layoutShowLeftPanel: false,

                viewportShowExpand: false,
                viewportShowSelectionMode: true,
                viewportShowAnimation: true,

                pdbProvider: 'rcsb',
                emdbProvider: 'rcsb',
            }).then(viewer => {
async function loadStructureAndLigand(viewer, mainData, mainFormat, ligands, dataLabel = 'protein') {
    await loadStructureExplicitly(viewer, mainData, mainFormat, dataLabel);

    async function visualizeLigand(data, format, label) {
        const _data = await{ data: data, label: label });
        const trajectory = await, format);
        const model = await;
        const structure = await;

        const ligandComponent = await, 'ligand');
        if (ligandComponent) {
            const builder =;
            const update =;
            builder.buildRepresentation(update, ligandComponent, {
                type: 'ball-and-stick',
                typeParams: { alpha: 1 },
                colorTheme: { name: 'element-symbol' }
            }, { tag: label });
            await update.commit();

    for (let ligand of ligands) {
        await visualizeLigand(, ligand.format, ligand.label || 'ligand');

async function loadStructureExplicitly(viewer, data, format, dataLabel = 'protein') {
    const _data = await{ data: data, label: dataLabel });
    const trajectory = await, format);
    const model = await;
    const structure = await;

    const components = {
        polymer: await, 'polymer'),
        ligand: await, 'ligand'),
        water: await, 'water'),

    const builder =;
    const update =;
    if (components.polymer) {
        builder.buildRepresentation(update, components.polymer, {
            type: 'cartoon',
            typeParams: {
                alpha: 1,
                quality: 'high'
        }, { tag: 'polymer-cartoon' });

        builder.buildRepresentation(update, components.polymer, {
            type: 'gaussian-surface',
            typeParams: {
                alpha: 0,
                quality: 'high',
                smoothness: 1
            colorTheme: { name: 'hydrophobicity' }
        }, { tag: 'polymer-surface' });
    if (components.ligand) builder.buildRepresentation(update, components.ligand, { type: 'ball-and-stick' }, { tag: 'ligand' });
    if (components.water) builder.buildRepresentation(update, components.water, { type: 'ball-and-stick', typeParams: { alpha: 0.6 } }, { tag: 'water' });
    await update.commit();

var structureFormat = 'pdb'.trim();
var pocketFormat = 'xyz'.trim();
var ligandFormat = 'mol2'.trim();



Yes, I attempted to use DockingViewer, but got 'undefined', which seems to indicate that the code is not accessible via the URL:

I came across this response and am curious whether the implementation is still being planned or if it has already been completed: #185 (comment)

I am sorry, what you are after currently isn't possible via a JavaScript snippet in an HTML document. You will need to use a bundler (e.g. Vite).

Thank you for your answer. I'll consider moving forward in that direction.
Additionally, I have a quick question: can I enable basic animations, such as a spinning effect, using just this JavaScript snippet?

This should work:

  trackball: { animate: { name: 'spin', params: { speed: 1 } } } // or { name: 'off', params: { }}