mojotech / torch

A rapid admin generator for Elixir & Phoenix

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No torch.html generated when used with Phoenix 1.4

AndreasBraun2015 opened this issue · comments

Thanks for the great packages, looks very promising.

I went through the readme with phoenix 1.4.

It looks like the torch.html is not generated in the layout folder.

Is the torch.html somewhere in your repo such that I can add it manually?

@AndreasBraun2015 Okay, thanks for pointing that out! Did you run the mix torch.install task? If so, it should copy this layout into torch.html. I'll do some testing to confirm this issue, but in the mean time you can grab the layout here:

Thank you for your answer.

Yes, I run mix torch.install but it did not work for me.

Thank you for attaching the layout.html

Using Phoenix v1.4.9 I had to set the application name (in my case project root directory) for it to work. Template file was generated flawlessly.

in config.exs:

config :torch,
       otp_app: :myappname, # <---------here
       template_format: "eex"

This works correctly in Phoenix 1.4 when following the current directions in the README.

Closing for now.