mojotech / pioneer

Integration Testing

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npm-shrinkwrap requires i@0.3.2, which is unpublished

terinjokes opened this issue · comments

The package version i@0.3.2 has been unpublished (see:, but the npm-shrinkwrap.json file here continues to request it, even though pioneer's package.json lists 0.3.x.

Can this be updated, or can I be given publish + commit bits to do minor fixes?

Thanks @terinjokes, I've merged it. Can you confirm all is well? I'm going to close the issue, we can reopen if necessary. Thanks!

I chatted with @terinjokes out of band, and he expressed that he is willing to take over maintenance of this package given that their team is still using pioneer.

I am +1 on the idea of giving him commit / publish access.

Can you confirm that in-band @terinjokes ?

@wkf yes, as mentioned in the ticket, we're willing to do maintenance, as needed.

I'm still getting the "fetch failed" error even after the last change.. Any idea ? also mentioned in #345

I'm still receiving fetch errors